Interview first appeared on Y-Not Culture’s 8th Edition
What gave you that initial push to go into music?
I won’t lie; I can’t really pin it down, but I guess the most prominent feeling was passion. I knew this was what I was destined to do. God paved a way too, so…
Has music always been what you wanted to do in life, or is it something that just came on your path, and suddenly you got interested?
I’ve always wanted to do something that had to do with music. Initially, it was singing, and then it translated into dancing, and then back to singing, along with a new hobby being my song writing, and now all three, I guess. (Laughs).
Where or what do you find inspiration in your songwriting?
I find inspiration in anything. From the stories about my family history to my experiences to the experiences of those around me that have touched or impacted me somehow (laughs), I even find inspiration in seeing situations unfold with complete strangers. Sometimes I’m inspired by other songs that I listen to. Anything that spurs a story, really.

What is the meaning behind your album name “Coming From Going To”?
Basically, where we “Come From” must never determine where we “Go To. So many people put limits on how high they aim when it comes to dreaming big because they don’t really believe that certain dreams are attainable. I want people to strive more. The only way our country will ever become as developed as China’s and the USA’s of the world is by making a mark in the world, not just in SA, and unfortunately, there’s very few of us that are doing that. I believe it is a lack of faith. Never put a limit on what you can achieve because it’s beyond your wildest dreams. That’s the whole point. That’s why you should go for it!
Any hints on what to expect on the next album, and when can we expect it?
I don’t want to give too much away. All you need to know is that it will be a gazillion times more amazing. (Laughs).
I’ve noticed you are from Durban, KZN, and that part of the country is considered the capital of entertainment, and it is overwhelmed by kwaito, dance, and Tribal House Deejays, how did you choose soulful music?
I’m actually from the Eastern Cape. I was born in a small town called Umtata. That’s home. However, I grew up in Durban because my mom worked there, and after my grandmother (with whom I was living as a child) passed away, I moved to Durban. Having said that, I absolutely love Durban kwaito and house music. I’ve actually done a feature with Tira and Mampintsha (Big Nuz) on the new DJ Cndo album. The soulful music I do is a result of the type of music I grew up listening to at home. The music my mom introduced me to It had so much depth and meaning to it that I fell in love with it, and it has always been the genre closest to my heart. I feel so much more expressive with my soul, and I feel that’s where my voice shines the most. I love many genres of music, but I guess my soul speaks more to it than anything else.
From all the songs you’ve ever done, what song can you single out as your favourite and close to your heart?
It has to be a tie between “Mama” and “Abundantly”. Both are dedications to two sources that have been my biggest influence and have changed my life in various beautiful ways. My mother and God
The funniest thing that ever happened at an event
(Laughs). The funniest and most embarrassing in my case. It has to be a day back when I was in high school. I was a popular dancer in Durban, and there was a dance show at the Bat Centre. I did one of my favourite routines, so you know I got into it hectically. Anyway, I was wearing baggy black pants with very sensitive seaming down the middle, so in the middle of my routine, I did the splits, and my pants ripped as I hit the floor! Everyone saw my skinny, bright pink underwear! The crowd went crazy with laughter. I was absolutely humiliated! (Laughs)

What’s your favourite tune of all time?
Oh, my goodness. I couldn’t possibly single one out. There’s way too many, but I guess if I had to choose one, I’d say Donny Hathaway’s “Someday we’ll all be free”.
Tell us a little bit about Moneoa, the daughter and girlfriend. (Moneoa not performing and public appearances or public relations)
Well, Moneoa, the girlfriend, is currently inactive; she’s on vacation in “Singleville,” so let’s cut that part out. (Laughs)! Moneoa, the daughter, however, is available to answer that question. (Laughs) Basically, I’m just a simple young woman trying to make something of my life. I love my mom to death, so I make sure she’s taken care of. So I guess that answers your question regarding my daughter(ly) duties. Other than that, I’m just as normal as any other 23-year-old trying to enjoy their life and work towards a bright future. I cook, clean, eat junk, party, go to church, work hard, spend a lot of quality time with friends and family, and so forth.
With summer coming up, what style of clothing will be a regular in your laundry?
(Laughs; I’m joking.) Probably shorts, JT vests, etc.
Earlier this year, you were in the news, with newspapers reporting that you resuming your varsity studies, how is that going? What made you stop at first, and what convinced you to return?
Well, I’ll be honest. I haven’t had as much time to go back to school as I thought I would, so I’ve decided to make it something I’ll be doing next year when I’m more prepared. This year has been hectic, and since this is my first real experience in the industry, I’m still learning the ins and outs of it. I’ve adapted to a lot now, so I’m much wiser with my time and general management. To be honest, I can’t really tell you why I dropped out of school. It was a silly and random decision, and I regret it very much because I could have finished school and still pursued my music. To add to my accreditation, I’m a young singer with a degree now. However, I believe everything happens for a reason, so I thank God I’m still young and able. I still have plenty of time to go back, and next year is my calling. I’m going back because I want to feed my brain as much knowledge as possible. I plan on pursuing more than just music.
One other thing: what is your opinion about Walter Sisulu University facing a possible closure, and occasional strikes or protests by both students and staff at different varsity institutions around the country?
I think it’s a sad and unfortunate situation. Anything that deprives students of education and lectures of the opportunity to empower them is a heavy loss as far as I’m concerned. I mean, jobs will also be lost here; it’s not fair. I just pray for a way to fix the issues being faced soon.
Anything else you’d like to add to what you want our readers to know?
Yes, there’s something I was reminded of today, and something is telling me to share it, so what the heck? In life, sometimes we do things that we are not proud of, and we sometimes feel unworthy of the name of God. Please always remember that God has forgiven worse sins than yours. Keep your faith in Him at all times. Don’t be discouraged by doubt. You weren’t meant to be perfect. God is already perfect for you!

Twitter, Facebook, BBM, or Instagram?
Twitter, but lately I’m really enjoying Instagram.
Celebrities crush international and local
International.. It has to be Laz Alonso.
Local, no comment! (Laughs).
Blackberry, Nokia, Samsung Galaxy, or iPhone?
Samsung Galaxy
Indoors or outdoors?
Outdoors (in summer)
Indoors (in winter).
Monster, Red Bull, Rockster, or Power Play?
Stilettoes or sneakers?
I’d usually say sneakers, but lately… stilettoes
Having fun or settling down?
Definitely settling down!