Y-Not Culture

Modeling Tomorrow



No l’m not stressed, I just occasionally sweat blood I am barely in my 20s but
1 feel like I have already suffered from menopause and a mental breakdown.
Insanity and a mid-life crisis (more like pre-life crisis). Am I the only one who
feels like life is going by Just a little too fast? Leaving us with so much to do
with so title time?

The past few weeks lave been nothing less than hectic. And my response to
this has been nothing less than dramatic. 1 found myself negotiating with my
own body to cooperate. Lashing out at myself to calm the hock down before I
get a heart-attack. Yes I am being dramatic.

There’s one thing that I have taken form this experience. The fact that most of
my stressors were caused by my constant and impossible impulse to be
perfect. I know that 1 am not the only one who experiences this. It seems to
be some kind of thing going around these days. If it is not your best and If your
best is not perfect then it is not good enough.

To some degree I bought into It: kept running even though I was running on
empty, only to realise when I crashed. The media, as In most cases have a
hand in this formed perception. In this modern age (talking like I’ve lived in any
other age), everything we see around us and what Is sold to us is all about the
perfect fit, die right alignment and most importantly we are told that in order for
us to succeed we have to be perfect.

Think about it, most of the lead characters in the biggest TV shows are perfect
at what they do. Think of Mike Ross he has a brilliant mind and therefore gets
away with everything. Olivia Pope, a master at reading people and getting out
of sucky situations, she never loses at anything. Which then makes it ok for
her to be the most “dignified side chick in the history of all side chicks.

What I am saying Is that we have indoctrinated with the notion that if become
perfect in what we do. we will inevitably get away with murder and the rest of
the world will then accept us, Forgetting that the best lessons are learnt
through making mistakes. Making mistakes Is human. It shows that we are
alive and that we are not stagnant in our lives and actually doing something.
I am probably not going to stop striving for perfection but what 1 need to do is
learn to accept that I will not be perfect. Perfection Is knowing your
