Y-Not Culture

Modeling Tomorrow

Month: May 2014

Take Money out of your Market’s Wallets into Your Pocket

When we set aside everything else (strategy, models, marketing, operations, and business plans), the real aim of business is to make money, correct? The other day, I was sitting in a meeting with one of my mentors, and he said…

Back To The Basics: Boichoko “Choko” Qwabe

Interview first appeared on Y-Not Culture’s 10th Edition Afro-pop music has been a constant feature since the days of Sophiatown, whether you’re out with friends at a concert honouring our forefathers’ hardships, at a wedding in the most remote corner…

A 12 years old’s Love Affair With the Stage: Casey Tyla Deveraux

Interview first appeared on Y-Not Culture’s 10th Edition If she is not in the classroom acing her grades, she is on a ramp, working on achieving her dream of becoming the ‘it girl of the modelling industry. Being a vibrant…