No l’m not stressed, I just occasionally sweat blood I am barely in my 20s but1 feel like I have already suffered from menopause and a mental breakdown.Insanity and a mid-life crisis (more like pre-life crisis). Am I the only…
How My Grandmother And Her Daughter, My Mother, Ruined My First Businesses
Originally published in When it rained, with my very clean school uniform, I would walk into the pool of rainwater outside our front yard. Sometimes I would throw my grandma with stones. This was all in protest of not…
Cheese Puff For…Trompies
We know them as the four-man kingship, which consisted of group members Zynne ‘Mahoota’ Sibika, Mandla ‘Spikiri’, Mofokeng, Eugene ‘Donald Duck’ Mthethwa, and Jairus ‘Jakarumba’ Nkwe. They gave us the sounds that are still considered township anthems today, as well…
Take Money out of your Market’s Wallets into Your Pocket
When we set aside everything else (strategy, models, marketing, operations, and business plans), the real aim of business is to make money, correct? The other day, I was sitting in a meeting with one of my mentors, and he said…
Back To The Basics: Boichoko “Choko” Qwabe
Interview first appeared on Y-Not Culture’s 10th Edition Afro-pop music has been a constant feature since the days of Sophiatown, whether you’re out with friends at a concert honouring our forefathers’ hardships, at a wedding in the most remote corner…
A 12 years old’s Love Affair With the Stage: Casey Tyla Deveraux
Interview first appeared on Y-Not Culture’s 10th Edition If she is not in the classroom acing her grades, she is on a ramp, working on achieving her dream of becoming the ‘it girl of the modelling industry. Being a vibrant…
Lights, Camera, Action!
The entertainment industry is vast and broad,allowing masses to be a part of it.One doesn’t need a degree to be in the front screen or to be the voice behind the mic,one needs raw talent and a rare passion and…